Grab a cool drink and relax. It's a hot time on the blog today with Rachel Leigh. Rachel has several stories out.
Today she's giving us a glimpse into her writing world. Thank you for being here.
Do you plot or let the story unfold as you write?
I start every book with an idea and then find the characters to fit the story – I usually write a synopsis and character sketches and then write the first draft from beginning to end without looking back. The hard part comes in the following drafts!
When did you decide to become an author?
Life decided rather than me! I started writing short stories for women’s magazines and after a little success, I wondered if I could write sexy/erotic romance. My first attempt was Explicitly English which The Wild Rose Press accepted in 2010.
What was the hardest chapter/book to finish and why?
ALL my stories are hard to finish, lol! I only write short novellas of around 30,000 words but every time I hit that half way mark, I hit a brick wall. The only way to deal with this, is to carry on writing and see what happens. That’s what additional drafts are for!
What tips would you give a new writer?
Keep writing – allow yourself to write a first draft from beginning to end and not worry if it’s any good. So many aspiring writers never get past the first two or three chapters because they are too concerned on perfecting them. Write the whole story, then perfect :)
Does working to deadline inspire or annoy you?
Deadlines inspire me – I LOVE a deadline! They keep me focused and working. I am one of those people who work best under pressure…
so a little about you...
What is your favorite drink?
Ice-cold white wine – preferably Chablis or a white Bordeaux…
Do you ever wish that you had an entirely uncreative job, like data entry or working in a factory?
Never! I love what I do – I used to work in a bank, 9–5, and longed to write. I thought it would always be a pipedream so when I gave up work to have my daughters, I was determined to use the time to do what I’d always dreamed of doing.
Do you enjoy giving interviews?
Yes! I love the promo side of writing even if it does take me away from getting words on the page. I love talking to other authors and readers!
And I thank you for being here with me today.
Have you ever found true love?
Yes – and I married him! I have been with my fabulous and sexy husband for 21 years, married almost 16. We’re very happy :)
Are you jealous of other writers?
No! What I love more than anything about being a writer, is the generosity of other writers. I’m pretty sure the level of support, encouragement and help is unique amongst the romance writing community. Anything an aspiring or experienced writer wants to ask, you can go online to a writers’ forum and authors will jump on board to help you out. I love being one of those people!
Today she's giving us a glimpse into her writing world. Thank you for being here.
Do you plot or let the story unfold as you write?
I start every book with an idea and then find the characters to fit the story – I usually write a synopsis and character sketches and then write the first draft from beginning to end without looking back. The hard part comes in the following drafts!
When did you decide to become an author?

What was the hardest chapter/book to finish and why?
ALL my stories are hard to finish, lol! I only write short novellas of around 30,000 words but every time I hit that half way mark, I hit a brick wall. The only way to deal with this, is to carry on writing and see what happens. That’s what additional drafts are for!
What tips would you give a new writer?
Keep writing – allow yourself to write a first draft from beginning to end and not worry if it’s any good. So many aspiring writers never get past the first two or three chapters because they are too concerned on perfecting them. Write the whole story, then perfect :)
Does working to deadline inspire or annoy you?
Deadlines inspire me – I LOVE a deadline! They keep me focused and working. I am one of those people who work best under pressure…
so a little about you...
What is your favorite drink?
Ice-cold white wine – preferably Chablis or a white Bordeaux…
Do you ever wish that you had an entirely uncreative job, like data entry or working in a factory?
Never! I love what I do – I used to work in a bank, 9–5, and longed to write. I thought it would always be a pipedream so when I gave up work to have my daughters, I was determined to use the time to do what I’d always dreamed of doing.
Do you enjoy giving interviews?
Yes! I love the promo side of writing even if it does take me away from getting words on the page. I love talking to other authors and readers!
And I thank you for being here with me today.
Have you ever found true love?
Yes – and I married him! I have been with my fabulous and sexy husband for 21 years, married almost 16. We’re very happy :)
Are you jealous of other writers?
No! What I love more than anything about being a writer, is the generosity of other writers. I’m pretty sure the level of support, encouragement and help is unique amongst the romance writing community. Anything an aspiring or experienced writer wants to ask, you can go online to a writers’ forum and authors will jump on board to help you out. I love being one of those people!
Follow her on Twitter
Her current release Teach Me To Ride is available at Amazon and retailers everywhere.
Click here to Purchase and read an Excerpt of Teach Me To Ride